Sunday, April 29, 2012

Creative Projecttt :)))

The Cheater Cheated
The inclusion of this scene is necessary to understand that cheating can become cyclical. The French tradesman boasted about how great of a cheater he was, but it was not until a man on the street told him of Iktomi. Iktomi was said to be the best cheater there was, he could steal anything from you without you even knowing. He was as witty as they came and it is because of his modest attitude that he was able to get away with these sneaky deeds. However, in life there will always be someone better than you at everything no matter how good you are at something. Iktomi faces this problem as he rides off into the horizon.

As Iktomi rides off into the horizon with his newly acquired horse, jacket, hat, and boots, the French man screams, “Sacre Bleu.”

Iktomi removes his jacket to reveal his backside back to the French man and sticks out his tongue to prove that he was tricked. This is when Iktomi makes the mistake of his cheating career. It is at this moment where Ikto bends down to unveil his jacket that the horse is spooked. He begins to kick and flail as he notices that it is not his French owner. Ikto is thrown to the ground during which his horse runs off. The horse runs off out of sight while Ikto is forced to walk back to the town towards the French man.

When Ikto reached the town the French man was the first to greet him.

“I see you have returned without my horse.” The French man said.

Ikto was rather embarrassed, but confidently remarks, “Yea, I realized if you and I were to team up and work together we could cheat the entire world.” Confused by Ikto's reply the trader hesitates a minute and decides that this will be a great idea. The first trick they decided to do was get a ride from these two men on horses. They get these two men's attention and they come over to speak to Ikto and the trader. The men ask, “What can I help you with?”

“Well, we just need a ride to our place, can you do that for us?” The two men reply, “Sure, we just need you to remove all of your clothing except underwear so we know you do not have any weapons.” As both of the men strip down to their underwear and put their clothes in the bag at the back of the horse, the two men look at each other with a coy smile. With the kick of their legs the horse gallops away with all of their belongings. They trot off with elegance and grace and yell back to the two fools, “Maybe next time you will not cheat others.” Little did these two know these two men were watching these two from the beginning. He watched Ikto cheat the trader.

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