Monday, April 16, 2012

Respect- (n) esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability.

The Lakota way is a book that is based around valued principles.  I focused on the chapter about respect.  Not only becuase it was assigned to me, I feel like respect is one of the most important values to understand and have for everyone. 

In this chapter they focus on the deer woman, a beautiful woman with long, black hair down to her knees.  Ultimately she can be compared to a siren, men would be attracted to her and spend the night with her, but they would forget about their families and loves of their lives and never want to return.  She only shows herself to the lone hunter.  One night she comes across Kokalaka, an experienced hunter, and tries to lure him in.  He is tempted, but while growing up his grandma had told him about the deer woman, and although she was very persuasive out of the respect of his grandmother he did what he was always told.  He refrained from going with her and she turned into and angry deer and he shot her with an arrow and she was never seen again by him.  If he had disrespected his grandmother's wishes he would of fallen into the siren's trap. 

There are a couple of other scenarios in this chapter that come into play and all focus on respect, like not killing innocent animals for fun, but out of neccessity.  Respect helps keep the world in check. 

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